Top quality principles

Top quality principles

We attach a great importance to professional dental diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis.

We pay attention not only to the particular problems which make our patients visit our practice – but also to other factors which may predispose them to the development of specific oral health problems. The foundation of our approach is treatment combined with appropriate prophylaxis. Only this approach can offer our patients optimum dental care. Our overriding principles are: “We treat what must be treated” and “We prevent the most likely dental problems”. All our procedures and treatments are performed in compliance with medical ethics and core values, focusing on the quality of Patients` health.

Top quality principles followed at

  1. During the first appointment at we perform a comprehensive oral evaluation focusing specifically on periodontal diseases:
  • detailed medical interview and establishment of patient’s medical file;
  • physical examination (oral evaluation focusing on the condition of teeth and oral mucosa);
  • Dental Panoramic Radiography (DPR);
  • evaluation and interpretation of the panoramic radiograph;
  • screening periodontal examination to determine Patient’s therapeutic needs, based on the CPITN (CPITN = community periodontal index of treatment needs);
  • (optionally) all patients requiring periodontal treatment during their first appointment are provided with detailed information about their periodontal status as well as causes and consequences of periodontal diseases, and are offered a preliminary schedule of periodontal treatment. 
  • (optionally) if comprehensive dental treatment comprising periodontal procedures is required, periodontal treatment takes precedence.  
  1.  The relationship with our Patients is crucial to our being able to provide the best care. We treat you. We understand you. We are here for you. Our motto is: Dental treatment with passion – and a smile!
  2. We know that in order to be comfortable, you must feel secure. All members of staff are experienced professionals with an excellent medical background. We make use of the latest advancements in dentistry: from knowledge and technology to cutting-edge medical solutions.
  3. Since dialogue is crucial for successful therapy, we build up and reinforce communication with our patients. We compile detailed medical documentation, so that our patients always know the nature of procedures to be performed, and are able to give an informed consent to dental therapy.

Serdecznie zapraszamy

Dojazd komunikacją publiczną:
Autobus nr: 139,173, 208, 439, 501. Proszę wysiąść na przystanku Zarzecze.
Tramwaj nr 4, 13, 24, 64. Proszę wysiąść na przystanku Wesele.

Dojazd samochodem:
Zapraszamy do skorzystania z mapy:
ul. Stańczyka 14; 30-126 Kraków
NIP: 677 236 67 15; REGON: 122486548

tel: +48 12 35 65 935
kom: +48 608 484 935

Godziny otwarcia:
Poniedziałek - Czwartek 8:00 - 20:00
Piątek 9:00 - 17:00

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