Dental surgery is a branch of dentistry which focuses on extraction of teeth which cannot be preserved, and of those for which there is not enough space in the dental arch, or which disturb proper functioning of oral cavity, for example:
Dental surgery deals also with the treatment of inflammatory states, pathological changes in the oral cavity of benign and malign nature, tissue regeneration, and tissue re-modelling prior to prosthetic and orthodontic therapy.
In our dental practice we are aware of the fear which accompanies patients before surgical treatment, therefore we do our best to make this sort of treatment as little discomforting and burdensome for our patients as possible.
We take a particular care of children for whom this type of therapy carries may be stressful. That is why we apply the most modern surgical devices, and the doctor who conducts treatment is a specialist in the field of dental surgery.
Surgical procedures are carried out by Michal Bałaga, a dentist specialized in surgery.
Dojazd komunikacją publiczną:
Autobus nr: 139,173, 208, 439, 501. Proszę wysiąść na przystanku Zarzecze.
Tramwaj nr 4, 13, 24, 64. Proszę wysiąść na przystanku Wesele.
Dojazd samochodem:
Zapraszamy do skorzystania z mapy:
ul. Stańczyka 14; 30-126 Kraków
NIP: 677 236 67 15; REGON: 122486548
tel: +48 12 35 65 935
kom: +48 608 484 935
Godziny otwarcia:
Poniedziałek - Czwartek 8:00 - 20:00
Piątek 9:00 - 17:00