
Toothbrushes and toothpastes for the youngest patients.

Children’s teeth and hands are different from adults, which is why children should brush their teeth with specially designed child-size brushes. A good brush for children should have a small rounded head and soft bristles, and a strong thick handle that is easy to grasp and manoeuvre. Toothbrushes should be replaced every 3 months – or more frequently, depending on the degree of wear. If the bristle has lost its original shape, it is an indication to buy a new toothbrush. Children up to 7/8 years of age are unable to clean their teeth thoroughly and require a little help from their parents.

Tooth brushing cleaning should start after the first teeth have emerged. After each meal the teeth and the entire oral cavity of your infant should be cleaned using a sterile gauze pad dipped in cool boiled water or chamomile infusion. As new teeth grow, brushing should be started using a small toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of children’s toothpaste.


This is the amount of toothpaste that should be used for tooth brushing by younger children.
Make sure that you use a pea-sized amount.




Good tooth brushing habits in the family.
The best method for your child to get into a habit of maintaining proper oral hygiene is to make sure that tooth brushing or cleaning gums with gauze pads becomes a normal activity just like eating meals or changing nappies. Older infants, who are able to stand on their own – and then walk – are usually happy to participate in various activities taking place at home. If your children watch you brush your teeth, they are sure to reach for a toothbrush themselves to join their parents for the activity.

Daily tooth brushing rituals help build good oral hygiene habits. If your child does not want to go to sleep saying that they have not brushed their teeth yet, it means the habit of tooth brushing at the same time every day has already been formed. Congratulations!

Never try to scare your children with a visit to the dentist to motivate them to brush their teeth. Use positive motivation!
Be a good example to follow. Show your children that you take good care of your teeth.


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